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Name: Mohd Sadik

Case No : 127

Patient Name : Mohd Sadik

Case Type : appendicitis

Hi , I am Mohd kalim starting this fund raiser for my Son , Mohd Sadik. He is suffering from appendicitis. The operation cost is approximately 20000.
I run a tea shop in chajjapur Tanda . This is a little huge sum for me . So  We have started this fund raiser for his treatment . If you support for the cause , he will soon recover from this  acute pain . 
Please help us raise this amount by clicking on the donate button and sharing this with your friends and family. 
We are grateful for your help and wishes. 

Thank you 
Helping hands foundation bank details for fund transfer 
Baneficiary Name. Helping Hands Foundation 
Bank Name: Bank Of Maharastra  
Account No. 60318066782
IFSC Code. MAHB0001774 
Address : Mahalla - Hayat Ganj, Opposite- Aryakanya Inter College, Tanda -224190 U.P City-Tanda, State Uttar Pradesh, (INDIA)

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Devi I am aunty of  the patient. I am raising funds for the patient who is suffering from “High Grade Papillary Urothelial Carcinoma” which is type of BLADDER CANCER