Medical campus


Our country is a home of largest numbers of children population in the world. Under Emergency medical programme we provide treatment support to the ones who is in need of critical medical treatment. Here, we are supporting to all these needy children/young whose parents can’t able to afford the cost of hospital as well as who are underprivileged. Helping Hands Foundation (HHF) interacts with different medical specialty departments of various partners hospital on regular basis to track down updates on underprivileged children who needs emergency medical treatment. We also endorse an appeal from other hospitals, other families of underprivileged patients for Emergency Medical Support .

However, there are many children who are suffering from various diseases. Approximately, 70% of these children are underprivileged for whom it’s inconceivable for getting treated. Helping Hands Foundation tries best to get a solution for these issues by raising funds and medical support .
